Cyclic paradigm in the study of ideas about coevolution ethnic- and eco-design costume

  • Danilova O.N. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


In the transitional period of the development of modern culture, a number of humanitarian studies are devoted to the problems of axiological foundations of project culture against the background of changing priorities in creating an artistic-design image. The artistic image of the
costume is updated taking into account the practical use of ethnonational culture; and interpretation  of  experimental  data  on  the  properties,  first,  of  new  materials.  The  logic  of  the  coevolution of the ethno- and eco-design of the costume is explained by the presence of general
principles of ecological shaping and environmental awareness focused on the use of environmental protection technologies in the process of creating material values. The tasks of harmonious coexistence of humans and the environment are partially solved in eco-design projects
based on rethinking the regional national cultural heritage and enriched with additional meanings in the process of perceiving the values of other cultures. However, the issues of improving the methods of ecological formation of textile design and costume design objects do not lose
their relevance.
Keywords: ethno- and eco-design, costume design; patterns of costume shaping, ethnona-
tional culture; сyclical paradigm.